Tuesday, 25 August 2015

The Writer's

The Writer's
Blessed day Great Ones - the SOUL SEEDS of the Creator's kind.
The day shines as brighter than stars of the blue dark night.
And the sun downs for another day.
Yet life prevails for us to endure. But art is my Chief navigator, my Teacher.
My Kind, my Artful kind. My latitude kind. My gratitude kind.
Our multitude kind. Our mental kind. Our solitude kind.
Our attitude kind.And I shall live to write, sing, weave and tell.
I shall provoke human senses. I shall support prudent voices.
The judges, the pages, the masses that practice their choices.
The pencils, the paintings trespass our voices.
And I shall rebuke the inner person. For He intends to.
I shall enslave my toes. I shall embrace and fall.
For life is a shadow, and I am the shadow;
I am the voice to my shadow.
So, as you continue to live, be reminded that life is a joyful gift.
Be the person you ought (to).
For life'd be meaningless when everything else's easy.
Nobody can attest that life is easy, yet we tell of how hard life is.
Nobody said it were easy.
For today is gone as yesterday. And tomorrow is yet to be known.
And if the soul drifts away from the body kind;
Would you fear? Or wish it'd be not you?

Onalethuso Petruss Buyile Ntema
- The Voice of a Shadow, 2016
Life, Reality & Mental Inspiration Poetry.

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