Saturday, 4 July 2015


My Life is a Journal
Life is a distant traveller,
And I wish to live and discover
More before my day of death
Crawls in to take me away from the face
Of Mother Nature. And so my legs walk me further to
Discover, to be inspired, and my stories shall echo
In ears of mankind. My word shall speak to many.
And I’ll die a happy man…
My life is a journal, a journey.
And today is gone. But life goes on. Yesterday is gone.
O life!
I am a storyteller, a human, a tracker,
The seeker of sacred voices of the gone,
The traveller, the rainmaker,
The folk singer who sings in echoes;
Of distant stories untold, a writer,
And my name is pure as melanin skin like footprints;
Of ancient men and women,
I am Buyile; the gone, the history, the old,
And my eyes see between woodlands,
Sunset cold,
Sunny days, fallen days,
Stolen days, broken toes. For life is a story;
And mine is one such story,
Yours shall be told;
When you tell, yet
Our days to be born may differ.
I am an African voice that roars;
In the silent jungle,
The melodious jungle, the furthest jungle,
A son of the African soils, a brother,
A father. A human. And the wind;
Shall take my breath away…
When the sun downs.
The sea shall begin its journey;
To the forbidden, the hidden treasures,
The ark, the covenant.
Rivers shall seduce nature,
Birds shall fly away like wishes;
Of a dreamer, but I shall tell my story,
For time will too, tell.

                Onalethuso Petruss Buyile Ntema
My Life is a Journal
The Voice of a Shadow: Life, Reality and Mental Inspiration poetry

 POSTCARDS designed @MAMBO267 & MEDIA.BW by OPBM Ntema, 2015

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