The Silent Letter: To Them It May
Concern Part
To them it may concern their ear;
When days gone in silent despair,
To them it may compel, for men in vain to their
When days come in silent clear, would you care to
It’s been too longer than not to the working class,
Their voices have longer than thought to the falling
And have longer than lost to a thought at pass,
And their master decides their future ones,
When at their white-heads ages gone—
Over and above all weaker when ages gone,
To the bones of their Creator on pages gone,
And their mental slavery intimidates their fall,
Paid them a poverty of hopeless bravery,
When their master reaps to the neighbouring—
Shadows of the ruling class,
Their tongues will rather keep a silent pass,
And the elite ones, their eyes know where to pass,
And how to cut your own pass when’s dark?
Remains unanswered, it’s been too longer than not—
To the working class, and too stronger than not to
the hidden past,
Their plight has endless tears of the Ancient
With financial break downs at their ease,
Like morons over mental crackdown at peace,
But I wonder if these…
Poly-tricksters know and sympathize, of the masses,
Who feeds the other? Who reads the word utters,
Who needs the other? Who gives a loner?
Who feels when know? And who kills the law?
Who needs the law? New tricks assure,
Blue prints endure not, miles unknown,
Who is the thief? And who is the freak?
What makes a man, meek?
Is theirs a clique?
Or a stratum of matters quick?
What not to them it concerns when shadows trick?
And their hands dig deeper to their lawless feet,
To which side of their greed need it matter so weak?
When silent masses far-gone to their proletarian
What goes into the hands of the few at their day?
And does it come with nature or human, a slave?
When will it fade away to a distant wave?
To whom need it concern, or a stolen brave?
To whom does it concern, or a golden grave?
And whose purpose do we serve to a nerve?
Or is it the end to spend all life behind an edge?
Onalethuso Petruss Buyile Ntema
Author of SOUL SEEDS (2014)
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